Cherry Blossoms Portraits

The cherry blossoms where in full bloom this past weekend, so Sara and I got up early Saturday morning and headed into DC for a little photo shoot. Saturday was the Cherry Blossom Festival, so naturally DC was packed to the gills with tourists.  After a little bit of scouting we were able to find an area that was somewhat deserted and had some beautiful light. As we started taking pictures, Sara goes, "look there's a couple getting their engagement shots over there." Then I noticed that the photographer taking their pictures was someone who's work I'd just recently started following a couple of weeks earlier! What are the odds!

We were on a roll for about an hour but then had to call it quits and head back to our car before the meter expired. I didn't mind having to stop because right after that Sara and I went to put in an offer for a condo that we both really love! Keeping our fingers crossed that we get it! 

Anyways, here are just but a few of the many great photos we got that morning. Aint she purrdy?!
